At present you can top up by bank transfer. We are always exploring new ways to make topping up and withdrawing as smooth and as painless as possible, so please do check back regularly.
Once you have registered and been verified, you can then top up fiat fiat into your account by following these steps
1. Click on the "Person" icon in the top left-hand corner of the page.
2. Select "Balance"
3. Click on "Top Up"
4. You’ll then be given a unique reference code and Himalaya Exchange’s bank details.
5. Using your own bank’s app, you can make the transfer to your Himalaya Exchange account.
6. Please ensure you include your Reference Code when making a bank transfer. Inaccurate or missing Reference Codes will result in delays, or funds being returned with bank charges deducted.
Please also be aware:
• Please avoid making multiple bank transfers of the same amount in a short period (this will minimise errors whilst crediting to your Himalaya Exchange account)
• Please check the "Your Account" section of the guide to ensure your country is supported.
• Please ensure that your bank account is registered in the same name as your Himalaya Exchange account. We will not accept bank transfers from third-party payment providers
• Bank transfers by us can take up to 14 business days to clear, depending on your bank and the amount of your transfer
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